Monday 10 June 2013

How the unconscious mind affects the psyche.

Those little things you do that really are out of character for you or you didn’t plan to do can often be blamed on your unconscious mind. For decades, psychologists have tried to understand the link between our decision-making process and our unconscious mind. You may have heard terms like “subliminal messages”, which are ideas placed into your unconscious mind. Basically, you were completely unaware you were being reprogrammed to do something you had not originally considered. There are numerous and varying theories about how big of a role the subliminal messages really has in our actions. If you were to rely on cognitive psychology, you would be forced to believe the unconscious mind has no bearing on your actions. Social psychology is just the opposite and believes our whole lives are heavily influenced by a super powerful unconscious mind. Freud attempted to delve into this subject, but his studies and findings have been questioned due to his methods. We may never know exactly what role the unconscious mind plays in our daily actions. Some feel it is easier to blame un-character like behavior on the unconscious mind while others are convinced our every word and action is deliberate.

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